
The Regional Technology and Mobility Master Plan documents an assessment of regionally-influenced needs such as emerging technology readiness, mainstreaming technology, and regional mobility. This assessment can be used to create regional synergy, prepare for emergencies, and establish performance metrics, preparing the region for future advancements in mobility through unified movement.

The Regional Technology Master Plan also includes three additional regionally significant documents:

  • Concept of Operations
    The Concept of Operations is based on the collective mission, objectives, and strategies developed by the member agencies. This effort documents operational concepts and potential opportunities for enhancing the existing ITS networks and defines how the region will function under various scenarios. The core of the Concept of Operations is based on functionality to be provided by various activities and projects in the region and the associated scenarios for how operational activities will be conducted.
  • Regional ITS Architecture
    The Regional ITS Architecture represents an update to the SACOG Regional ITS Architecture that is compliant with Rule 940.10, covering the relevant intercounty systems (urban, suburban, and rural), services, connections, and projects. The update includes new systems and data connections not previously addressed in the 2001 ITS Architecture. The Architecture update also includes new and emerging services such as shared mobility and CAV.
  • STARNET Modernization Strategy
    The STARNET Modernization Strategy provides a review and assessment of the current status of STARNET to enable forward-looking discussions on the system’s application as part of the updated local and regional vision for ITS. This project component incorporates stakeholder feedback on current STARNET activities and perceptions of the STARNET program. This input will be used to inform future enhancement strategies and functionality of the system, and establish a plan to increase its value and utilization across the region. Other regional and local needs and objectives also inform future enhancements of STARNET to support the region in achieving a variety of local and regional ITS goals and objectives.


Regional Technology and Mobility Master Plan PDF February 2019
Concept of Operations PDF February 2019
ITS Architecture Website December 19, 2018
STARNET Gap Analysis and Future Roadmap PDF February 2019